At the end of our lives 80-90% of us will share the same regret...
The regret that we lived our lives based on what we thought others wanted rather that what we wanted for ourselves.
From the time we are born, we are taught how to examine and validate things in our external world without ever learning how to look within and validate our own selves.
We spend most of our lives seeking the things that society tells us we should want without ever asking ourselves the question,
what do I want?
I know what it feels like to have a vision of yourself and a vision of your life that always feels out of reach.
I have been the girl that felt disconnected from who I really was because
I was afraid that I would be judged.
I have been the girl that didn't chase after my dreams because
I was scared that it wouldn't be socially acceptable.
I have been the girl that was so afraid of being my authentic self and living my truth that
I sent myself into deep depression.
I have been the girl with crippling anxiety at just the thought of speaking my truth or taking action on what I desire.
I have felt scared, alone, depressed and misunderstood, even with the most loving partner and most supportive family.
I have sat in my bed, staring at the ceiling saying to myself
"there has to be more to life than this."
Unleashing Your Divine Power is about rediscovering who you truly are and no longer showing up as the person that the world told you to be. It's about fully knowing your passions and your purpose and being able to fearlessly go after the things that you desire. It's about no longer allowing fear, anxiety or self judgement to hold you back from living the life of your dreams.
Your divine power is unleashed when you reclaim who YOU truly are and what YOU truly want.